A great list of works which Hölderlin would have studied in depth. The images used here are not from Hölderlin's collection, they are simply examples and help in keeping the text divided into sections.
This list is found in Hölderlin’s Madness, review forthcoming.
Aeschyli Prometheus vinctus (Halae Schulz ed.) [Prometheus Bound].
Aristotelis Organon, Francofurti, MDXCVIII [Organon].
Aristotelis de Moribus, IOvols [‘On Death’].
Aristotelis Technae Rhetoricae, BibliaV [Rhetoric].
Aurelius, Marcus
Marci Antonini Philosophi Commentarii, Lipsiae [The Meditations].
Balde, Jakob
Jacobi Balde Satyrica, 1660 [Selected satires].
Barclay, John
Joh. Barclaii Argenis, Amsterdolami, 1671 [Argenis].
Caesaris Commentarii,Antverpiae, 1585 [Caesars commentaries].
M.Tullii Ciceronis Definibus bonorum et malorum [On the Ends of Good and Evil].
M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera omnia, Lugduni, MDLXXXVIII [Complete works].
Euripides, 2 vols.
Euripidis Resos [Rhesus].
Hesiodus, 2 vols.
Homeri opera, graece et latine expressa, Basileae, MDCCLXXIX.
Tomus I, continens Iliadem [Illiad].
Tomus II, Odysseam [Odyssey].
Homeri Iliasgraece et latine, Hauniae et Lipsiae, 1786 [Illiad].
Tragus Justinu, Vratislaviae MDCLX [Pompeius Trogus’ Philippic Histories].
Justini Historiae ad modum Minellii, in duplo [Pompeius Trogus’ Philippic Histories, edited by Johannes Minellus].
M.Annaei Lucani de bello civili, 10vols [Pharsalia (‘On the Civil War’)].
Palaephatus [Likely Peri Apiston, ‘On Incredible Things’].
Palingenius [Pier Angelo Manzolli]
Marcelli Palingenii Zodiacus Vitae, Roterodami, 1648 [‘The Zodiac of Life’].
Pyndari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia, 1560 [Victory Odes: Olympian, Pythian, Nemean, Isthmian].
Platonis Opera, 12VOLS.
Platonis Dialogorum Argomenta, 1 Tomus [Dialogues].
Plutarchi opera, Tub ingae, MDCCXCIII, 4 vols [Selected works].
Plutarchs Werke,griechisch [Selected works, in Greek].
Sophoclis Tragoediae septem, Francofurti, 1555 [Seven Tragedies].
Taciti Opera 1595 [Selected works].
PubliiTerentii Aphri Comoediae sex. T.II, Biponti, 1780 [Six comedies].
Theochriti Idyllia cum Scholis Selectis, Gothae, 1782 [Bucolics and other selected works].
Virgilii Maronis Opera cum annotationibus Minellii [Selected works, annotated by Johannes Minellus].
Volborth, J. C. ¡Johan Karl] (ed.)
Chestomathia tragica Greaeco-latina, Goettingae, 1776 [A compendium of Greek tragedies, including work by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Seneca].
Justi, Johann Heinrich Gottlob von
Des Herrn von Justi, Scherzhafte und Satyrische Schriften, 3 vols, Berlin, 1765 [Selected satires].
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Klopstocks Gelehrten Bibliothek, Part 1, Hamburg, 1774 [Selected works].
Klopstocks Hermanns Schlacht, Reutlingen, 1777 [‘Hermann’s Battle’].
Klopstocks Geistliche Lieder, Reutlingen, 1780 [Orfes].
Klopstocks Messias, 3vols, Reutlingen, 1782 [The Messiah],
Rüdiger, Johann Christian (ed.)
Taschenbuch für Freunde des Gesanges, Stuttgart, 1795 [Magazine with music and lyrics].
Weiße, Christian Felix
Weißes Trauerspiele, 3 VOLS, Reutlingen, 1776 [Tragedies].
Weppen, Johann August
Gedichte, Carlsruhe, 1783 [Poetry].
Wieland, Christoph Martin
Der neue Amadis. Ein römisches Gedicht in 18 Gesängen I, Carlsruhe, 1777 [A romantic comedy in verse].
Musarion. Ein Gedicht, Reutlingen 1780 [Poetry].
Zachariä, Justus Friedrich Wilhelm
Poetische Schriften von Zachariä, 1, 3, and 4, Reutlingen 1778 [Poetry collection].
Novum Testamentum graecum et latinum, Lipsiae 1575 [New Testament in Greek and Latin].
Novum Testamentum graecum, 1734 [New Testament in Greek].
Hebräischer Psalter, 1556 [Psalms in Hebrew],
Chaldaismi Biblici Fundamenta p.p., Tubingae, 1770 [‘Chaldean’ Bible, in Biblical Aramaic].
Compendium Theologiae Dogmaticae, Stuttgardiae, 1782 [Compendium of dogmatic theology].
Joh. Gerh. Schellers Anleitung p.p., H alle 1783 [Introduction to Greek and Hebrew, by Immanuel Johann Gerhard Scheller].
D.Jo. Reinhardts Christliche Moral [Christian morals].
Zweiter Theil von Predigten über die Sonntäglichen Episteln [Sermons on the Epistles].
Das Petitionrecht derWirtembergischen Landstände, 1797 [On the right of petition of the estates ofWiirttemberg].
Anonymous [probably Johann Christoph Knaus].
Compendium Logicae, Stuttgardiae, 1751 [Compendium of logic].
Bacon, Francis
Franc. Baco de Verulamio, Liber de sapientia veterum [The Wisdom of the Ancients].
Eberhard, Johann Augustus
Joh. August Eberhard, Neue Apologie des Sokrates, 2vols, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1787 [‘A New Apology for Socrates’].
|J.]A. Eberhard, Philosophische Magazin, no. 1, Halle, 1788 [Philosophical magazine edited by Eberhard].
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts, Jena, 1796 [Foundations of Natural Right].
Hume, David
D. Hume, Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand,Jena, 1793 [An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding].
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
F. H. Jacobi, Über die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an M. Mendelsohn, Breslau, 1789 [Letters on Spinoza].
Kant, Immanuel
Im. Kant, Critik der reinen Vernunft, Riga, 1790 [Critique of Pure Reason],
Im. Kant, Critik der Urtheilskraft, Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1792 [Critique of Judgment].
Mauchart, Immanuel David
J. D. Mauchart, Allgemeines Repertorium fur empirische Psychologie etc., 2VOLS, Nurnberg, 1792 [General reference for empirical psychology].
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
F. W. J. Schelling, Ich als Prinzip der Philosophie, 2 vols, Tübingen, 1795 [On the I as a Principle of Philosophy].
F. W. J. Schelling, Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur, Leipzig, 1797 [Ideas Concerning a Philosophy of Nature].
Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Schleiermacher, Uber die Religion. Reden an die Gebildeten unter ihren Verächtern, Berlin, 1799 [On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers].
Danz, Johann Andreas
Danzii Compendium Grammaticae ebraeo-chaldaicae, Editio sexta,Jenae [Hebrew-Aramaic grammar].
Ernesti, Johann August
Jo. Augusti Ernesti, Clavis Ciceroniana, Halae MDCCLXVIIII [Cicero].
Eschenburg, Johann Joachim
Eschenburg, Handbuch der klassichen Literatur, Berlin and Stettin, 1801 [Handbook of classical literature].
Estienne, Charles (Carolus Stephanus)
Dictionarium Historicum acpoéiicum, MDCXV [Encyclopaedia].
Garth, Balthasar
Garthurthius olim bilinguis jam trilinguis sive Lexicon Latino-Germanico-Graecum, Norimbergae, 1658 [Trilingual Latin-German-Greek dictionary].
Gedike, Friedrich
Gedike, Pindars Olympische Siegeshymnen, 1777 [German translation of Pindar’s Olympian Od«].
Ramsler, Johann Friedrich
Ramslers Griechische Grammatik, Stuttgart, 1767 [Greek grammar].
Schneider, Johann Gottlob
J. G. Schneider, Versuch über Pindars Leben und Schriften, Strasburg, 1774 [On Pindar’s Life and Work].
Veneroni, Giovanni
Dictionarium Caesareum, in quo quattuor principaliores Linguae Europae explicantur [Quadrilingual Italian-French-German—Latin dictionary].
Vollbeding, Johann Christoph
Griechisch-Deutsches Handwörterbuch zum Schulgebrauch, Leipzig bei E. B. Schwickert, 1784 [Greek-German dictionary; with 1788 supplement].
Fantastic list of works. No idea what to do with it, but it's somehow inspiring. I'll have to find out what a few of them are.